“These are your father’s parentheses”
Wow. Sorry guys, I know how you all hate it when I make a blog entry saying how awesome dinosaur comics or xkcd happen to be today, but seriously folks, this is why I love xkcd: I just read it and had to comment.
Seriously, with lines like “These are your father’s parentheses. Elegant weapons, for a more… civilized age.”, while an Obi-wan stick-figure carries out a stack of parentheses to a bewildered Luke, few things could make me laugh harder. This is just great stuff!
Wow, three new posts in under an hour. Now I’m just tired and should go to bed. Goodnight!
Tags: lisp, parentheses, webcomics, xkcd
From "That which must be said, That which probably should not be said, Tripe. Utter tripe."